May 18th - 10am
Healing way for wounded souls.

Renata Gandolfo is an organizer of the "Hers Group" and serves in the online women's editorial of "Ministério Fiel"(Faithful Ministry). She has participated in the ABCB Biblical Counseling Training Conferences has a degree in Literature, and writes regularly in the "Vida de Ovelha" (Sheep's Life) column for Ministry "Voltemos Ao Evangelho"(Ministry Back to the Gospel).

Renata Gandolfo
May 20th - 10am
The battle of the mind.

Valeska Figueiredo is a Pastor and Psychologist specializing in parenting and perinatal care, Gestalt therapist in training, she cares for the emotional health of pregnant women and their families. She is married and has two children.

Valeska Figueiredo
May 21st - 10am
The love that heals, rescues and sets free

Edméia Williams is a missionary of the Anglican Church and has been taking care of “Casa de Maria e Marta”(House of Mary and Martha) for 27 years which daily serves 150 children from “Morro Dona Marta” in Rio de Janeiro.

Missionária Edmeia Williams
May 18th - 2pm
My communication pattern and the example of Jesus

Drica Reis is a publicist, graduated in Social Communication from "Fundação Cásper Líbero" in Brazil, certified in Conscious Communication, co-leader of the online ministry "Mães com Fé"(Mothers with Faith), facilitator and speaker in communities NGO.

Drica Reis
May 19th - 2pm
Who controls your body?

Geni Gonzalez was born in Boston, daughter of immigrants and Hispanics from the Dominican Republic, mother, professional singer and member of the "Hands and Heart" prayer team of Christian Radio of Washington D.C. She is also one of those responsible for keeping her community with wellness activities and a member of the Alexandria Free Methodist Church.

Geni Gonzalez
May 20th - 2pm
How does our secret life influence our relationships?

Lili Yoshimoto is a Christian Counselor graduated in Psychology by "USP", Master of Divinity by Servants of Christ Theological Seminary. She is also a Master in Biblical Counseling and has served in this Ministry for over 25 years, in churches and seminaries. She is the founder of "Mais Barnabés"(More Barnabas) Ministry.

Lili Yoshimoto
May 18th - 8pm
The mother's childhood and its effect on motherhood.

Lilian Grecu is a Christian and a Clinical Psychologist, with a Masters in Health and Education in Childhood and Adolescence from “UNIFESP”. During her career, she worked for years as a Psychologist in the area of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Currently she works as a Parental Counselor and Psychotherapist for Teenagers and Adults.

Lilian Grecu
May 19th - 8pm
Maternal self-care and the reflection on the family

Ana Paula Sanossian is the founder of the “Women in Construction Program.” Graduated in Physical Education, Exercise Physiology and Personalized Physical Activity. She is specialist in saboteurs and limiting beliefs.

Ana Paulo Sanossian
May 20th - 8pm
Gaining spiritual authority over our children.

Elizabeth Wilson is the director of Christian Education at Alexandria Free Methodist Church is also one of the Bible study leaders and loves working with children where she finds great joy in teaching them about the love of Jesus. She is married and currently teaches her four children at home.

Elizabeth Wilson
May 21st - 8pm
Living one day at a time!

Débora Aggio studied missions in Birmingham, England. She worked in London, as a teacher and coordinator, where she also specialized in literacy and creative development in early childhood. She is Author of the book "Motherhood with God" and founder of "Nest Watchers" on Instagram.

Débora Aggio